The Danish world for an island is "ø". And when you want to see interesting nature or culture just go to one of hundreds small Danish islands. They are peculiar and every island have something else interesting. I was on five of them.
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Læsø - Domy se střechou z mořské řasy, střecha váží 40 tun. Houses with the roof made of the sea grass, weight of the roof is 40 tones. |
Langeland - Galerie v bývalých trafačkách dlouhá 50 km.
Gallery in former transformers is 50 km long.
Fanø - Tady všechno oplétají vlnou.
Here is everything covered by wool.
Æbelø - Sem s brodíte 1,5 km mořem.
To this island you will wade 1,5 km through the shallow sea.
Tåsinge - Tady proběhlo drama jak z Romea a Julie, jen o 300 let později.
Here happened drama like from Romeo and Juliet, but 300 years later.