turnaj v Aalborgu končil, když za mnou přišel William z našeho
týmu, ať se těším na shower beer. Zvědavý, co to bude jdu po
hře do šatny, tam všude mokro, uprostřed místnosti kartony piva
a pod každou sprchou sportovec s plechovkou. Otevírám pivo a jdu
vystát frontu na sprchu.
tournament in Aalborg ended, when William from our team came to me
and said that we will have shower beer after the match. I wondered
what was he talking about. After the mtach I came to the locker
room, there was water everywhere,cans of beer in the middle of
the room and sportsman with beer can under every shower. So I opened
a beer waited for the shower.
Sport hall in Aalborg / Sportovní hala v Aalborgu |