April 19, 2013

#11. Chlast/ Alkohol

V Česku proběhlo několik afér s opilými dánskými studenty. Mohou za to prázdniny, levný alkohol a věk. V Dánsku si mohou kupovat alkohol s méně než 16,5% děti od 16 let. Středoškoláci mají v únoru týden prázdnin, na velikonoce další, vyjedou do Čech za levným pitím a potíže jsou tu.

In Czech Republic there were several affairs with the drunk Danish students. The reason is an cheap alcohol, an age and holidays. In Denmark is allowed to buy an alcohol with less then 16,5% to children from 16 years. High school students have one week of holidays in February and another week around Easter. They will go on holidays to Czech Republic for cheap alcohol and problems are here. 

16 year old Danes can buy alcohol with less than 16,5%.